Professional studio portrait photography services by Tuckys photography include studio headshots, company profiles, and company group portraits, and commercial portraits for advertising and theatre productions. As competent portrait photographers in corporate and commercial photography, we can use different lighting to sculpt our subjects. Each type of portrait requires a different technique and treatment hence the correct combinations of lighting, angles and even the type of lens used will help to achieve the desired effects.
Here are the different types of studio portraits, for comparison.
Advertising Studio portrait

Commercial portrait of model shot in a spa environment. Professional studio portrait photography for advertisement.

Commercial portrait photography for fitness equipment shot with a model in a studio. A clean and generic product shot with people using it can be more receptive by the clients.

Studio shoot for commercial portrait photography for fitness equipment.
Commercial photoshoot

Similarly, these individual half body portrait for each main cast of the production were also created in a studio settng
Commercial studio portrait photography for group shots

Good compositions and beautiful lighting usually help to create in a studio as the environment are cater specifically for such productions.
Published works

This theatre production visual, concept by director Loo Zhihan. We brought it to live with the help of Esplanade Theate Studios team. Hours were spend in creating the set before the casts arrived.
Corporate Studio Portraits Headshots

Professional headshot for Rex was used for the cover of one of the issues of A & S magazine by Singapore corporate photographer.

Dimitri Chen, EVP & GM @ New Relic. Professional black and white portraits are popular options for corporate as they are generic enough, hence can be used in most situations.
Half-body Studio Portrait Photography

Ricky Ow, President at WarnerMedia Entertainment Networks Asia Pacific, was photographed in front of the white background in our Studio.

Amit Midhar, President of Dell Technologies APAC JAPAN photographed during one of our portrait session with the leadership team.

Ping Tong, Head of Human Resources at Alcon Singapore. Studio lighting technique lit up a subject differently hence allowing it can create a 3-dimensional effect.,
Recent corporate Studio portrait photography

Clement Schwebig will head Warner Bros. Discovery’s India, Southeast Asia and Korea (aka INSEAK) as President and Managing Director under the new merger.