NEA Waste Management

Industrial Photographer Singapore for National Environmental Agency Waste Management

Introducing our expertise in commercial and industrial photography in Singapore, our professional commercial industrial photographer specializes in capturing the essence of marine and aerospace industries. This curated series of images, skillfully crafted by our Singapore industrial photographer, showcases select commissioned works for the Singapore National Environmental Agency. Beyond captivating aerial shots captured with a drone, the collection also features meticulously composed landscape and architectural images of Pulau Semakau, offering a comprehensive visual narrative of our prowess in industrial photography.

Some of the photos appeared on the NEA webpage here.

Waste management system

architecture photography, of tuas south incineration plant, Tuckys photography

Tuas South Incineration Plant collects all the household refuse in Singapore before burning them.

Interior photography of refuse bunker with NEA, tuckys photography

This refuse bunker collects all the daily refuse, thus in order to prevent the smell from escaping, the pressure is lower than the atmospheric pressure.

Professional Commercial Industrial Photographer Singapore for industrial portrait at TSIP. Commercial Industrial photography services in singapore.

Crane operators seats in a safe air-conditioned room while feeding the refuse to the incinerators.

Singapore industrial photographer, by Tuckys Photography. commercial industrial photography Singapore by professional industrial photographer.

There are multiple cranes and hoppers so that during regular maintenance, the process will still remain working.

Professional corporate photography for waste management process, by tuckys

A view of the Tuas Marine Transfer station from the deck, on the refuse tug boat.

Architecture photography for Tuas Marine transfer building, by Tuckys

As the tug boat approaches the Transfer station, it needs to line up with the entrance before it can pick up the refuse barge,

Singapore Industrial Photographer at Pulau Semakau

aerial photography for maine tug boat and barge., architecture photography of building, by Professional Commercial Industrial Photographer Singapore with decades of industrial photography experience.

An aerial photo by our Industrial photographer while shooting the commissioned project at Pulau Semakau in Singapore. The barge carries the ashes from the incinerator. Hence it needs to be covered to prevent the ashes from being blown away during transportation.

corporate photography for environmental agency, by tuckys

The extra large dump truck transports the ashes from the barge to dump them into the landfill cell.

aerial photography for construction process, by tuckys

Aerial photography of the floating platform which the trucks rely on to get to the middle of the cell.

Singapore aerial drone photography of water purification at semakau, by tuckys

The water treatment plant treats the landfill’s water before releasing it into the sea.\

Semakau landfill Aerial Photography with Industrial photographer Singapore

Singapore aerial photography with CAAS permit for flying in danger area. commercial industrial photography by professional industrial photographer based in Singapore

Aerial view of Semakau landfill from the east with Bund 1 fully covered and vegetation growing. Due to the height limitation of the UAV permit in restricted air space, this image requires stitching from multiple shots to create the full image.

Semakau Landfill taken in 2022 from the west. Singapore commercial industrial photography by Professional Commercial Industrial Photographer Singapore

Professional Commercial Industrial Photographer Singapore for aerial photography and videography with drone at Semakau Landfill. Permits from CAAS acquired before the shooting with NEA began.

Singapore industrial photographer with aerial photography of Semakau landscape, by tuckys

A creative way to show the progress of Semakau Landfill with the NEA. A 360-degree angle allows the full view of the island to be captured by our industrial photographer Singapore without needing to shoot at a much higher height.


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