Advertising Portrait Photography
As people are naturally attracted to looking at the experience of fellow human beings, hence advertising portrait uses human elements to add interest to the visuals. Singapore Advertising portrait photography by Singapore commercial photographer, who also specialised in corporate photography and professional portrait photography

Clients can opt for a lifestyle shoot on location at their office for the commercial shoot. Creating unique images will thus eliminate the risk of having similar images at another corporation’s website. Similarly, it is more authentic with the actual job environment shown.

Advertisement portrait of child safety seats were taken on location. The smiling faces of kids shows that the seats were quite comfortable and safe to use.

In this advertisement portrait, we have the talents photographed with another equipment in the background.

This image depicts two fitness talents in the picture demonstrating how the equipment are used. Advertisement for products in action can provide a more realistic commercial value for the clients.

Commercial photography can also take place inside a shopping mall. However, lightings and angles will have to be very precise to avoid capturing other distracting elements.
Studio Advertising Portrait Photography

Commercial portrait photography for fitness equipment shot with a model in a studio. A clean and generic product shot with people using it can be more receptive by the clients.

Advertising portrait for 3 cosplay artists shot in the studio. We can use multiple lights and colour gels to create dramatic effects to bring the portraits to live.
can also take place inside a shopping mall. However, lightings and angles will have to be very precise to avoid capturing other distracting elements.Do check out Commercial Portraits for other advertising work done for posters.
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